School Council

All parents are welcome to attend school council meetings. Meetings are a forum for providing input into the school and its functioning. Parents, students, community and staff members are all encouraged to attend and participate – sharing their ideas, views, opinions, needs and concerns.

Our school council follows the guidelines specified by Alberta Education and Sturgeon Public Schools. It allows various stakeholder groups more opportunities to become involved in the decision-making process at Sturgeon Composite.

For more information about the roles and responsibilities of school council, please refer to the Alberta School Councils’ Association.


SCHS Parent Involvement Association (PIA)

PIA President Jennifer Hunting
PIA Vice-President Bonnie Borle

PIA gmail

School Council Meetings

Meeting Dates: 

  • November 25 at 6:00pm (In person or virtual meeting)
  • January 27 at 6:00pm (In person or virtual meeting)
  • February 24 at 6:00pm (In person or virtual meeting)
  • March 17 at 6:00pm (In person or virtual meeting) *Tentative Date
  • April 28 at 6:00pm (In person or virtual meeting)*Tentative Date
  • May 26 at 6:00pm (In person or virtual meeting)

Google Meet Link