Wellness Hub

Sturgeon Composite High School strives to provide our students with learning opportunities in a classroom environment that meets their specific learning needs. Sometimes, extenuating circumstances prevent a student from being able to attend classes in a traditional manner. In these cases, our In-Reach program can help students meet their goals.

In-Reach is designed primarily for the following types of situations:

  1. Student scheduling issues where the school cannot provide a class during the schedule that a student requires for their program. The most common situation is to complete a timetable.
  2. Extenuating circumstances where a student will be away for an extended period of time, such as a medical situation. 
  3. Specific learning situations such as meeting graduation or scholarship requirements.
  4. Individual student needs as discussed with family, Student Services and Administration. 

Our In-Reach program has two assigned teachers who are in the school at all times. Although not always in the room, they are in the building to help students meet their learning needs. Additionally, we have one full-time support staff who also provides students with assistance in their learning and goal setting. 

The In-Reach program is not designed to be a full time or half time program for students. Students who desire that amount of flexibility or who cannot commit to a structured classroom setting should check out our school division’s Learning Centres