
Core subjects are English, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science. These are offered at several levels, or routes. Choosing the highest level that you will succeed at is the best way to keep your options open for the future. Complementary courses offer a chance to broaden knowledge by studying a variety of subjects including art, music, second languages, communication technology, fashion studies, sports medicine and many more. Students can also enroll in the following special programs:
  • Duel Credit
  • French Immersion
  • Work Experience
  • Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
  • Green Certificate

Every Course Has a Number

Grade 10 courses begin with a number 1, Grade 11 courses begin with a number 2, and Grade 12 courses begin with a number 3.

Courses Have a Natural Sequence

Courses are arranged in sequence, such as English 10-1, 20-1 and 30-1. You need to take them in order. In other words, you need to complete English 10-1 before taking English 20-1. English 10-1 is the prerequisite for English 20-1. To complete a course and move onto the next one, you need to earn a mark of 50% or higher.

A Note About Routes

You do not need to select all your courses from the same route. For example, you may choose English 10-1, Mathematics 10-3 and Social Studies 10-2. You may also transfer from one route to another. Your principal, counsellor or teacher can advise you on the best way and time to make the change.